with the commenting about what riders wear
Jorge Torres is currently working for the Consulate of Mexico in the City of San Bernardino in the Department of Political and Economic Affairs. The Consulate office provides our community with a variety of services for both Mexican and Mexican Americans, and foreign nationals willing to do business with Mexico, including the issuing of Mexican identification cards, issuing of passports and processing Mexican visas, providing protection and legal assistance to Mexican nationals in need and cultural programs. Before moving to California to work for the Consulate, Jorge majored in International Relations with a Masters Degree in Political Science and Public Administration in Mexico and Spain.. Lastly, PLEASE stop with the commenting about what riders wear! Why does that bother people so much? Last time I checked, people running, doing yoga, and playing football all wear tight spandex pants too. vipjerseyforsale All those logos may be local businesses who paid money to be on the gear a...